Mini Cheese Factory Costanzo

200 g albacore tuna fillets in olive oil - Cetarii

Regular price
EUR 9,30
Sale price
EUR 9,30
Regular price
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Il tonno allettarato di Cetara è Parente stretto del tonno, vive in profondità ma di dimensioni ridotte. E’ presente nel mediterraneo, preferisci mari limpidi e caldi in prossimità della costa. Ricco di Omega 3 si presta a molteplici usi in cucina.

VALORI NUTRIZIONALI PER 100 g:  Energia 803 kJ / 192 kcal. Grassi 10 g – di cui acidi grassi saturi 3,9 g. Carboidrati 0 g – di cui zuccheri 0 g. Proteine 25 g. Sale 0,8 g.

Origin Italy

INGREDIENTI: Tonnetto (Euthynnus alletteratus), olio di oliva, Sale

Our Dairy is Mini and will be forever.

Mini chain, superior quality.


The word "Mini" in Minicaseificio stands for small and refers to the short, tightly controlled supply chain from which our products are sourced and which guarantees the quality and safety of a genuinely artisanal dimension.

We follow from start to finish all stages of the production of our cheeses, from the cultivation of the fodder to the raising of the buffaloes and the processing of the milk according to traditional processing methods that only an artisanal dimension can give.


Our Dairy is mini because we are a family before we are a business.

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