Internationalisation project Campania Region

The Mini Cheese Factory Costanzo has participated in 2018 in the call of the Campania Region 'PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE CONCEPT OF CONTRIBUTIONS FINANCING THE FINANCING OF INTERNATIONALISATION PROGRAMMES FOR MICRO AND SME CAMPANE' - POR Campania ERDF 2014-2020 - Axis III - Specific Objective 3.4 - Action 3.4.2'.

The project proposed by Mini Caseificio Costanzo foresaw expansion into the following markets:

- Britain;

- Germany.

The project was approved by the Campania Region by Executive Decree No. 53 of 14/02/2019, deeming eligible expenses of € 53,000 against which the company was awarded a non-refundable grant of 70% quantified in € 37,100.

The following activities were carried out with the funds obtained:

  1. Communication actions both on the UK market (in particular London) and the German market (in particular Berlin).
  2. Specialist support aimed at:
  • search for foreign operators / partners;
  • legal advice relating to international contracts;
  • tax advice on corporate tax aspects in international contexts;
  • carrying out feasibility studies for the development of commercial networks abroad;
  • development of marketing plans for internationalisation.

Thanks to the internationalization project, Mini Caseificio Costanzo has gained significant experience in the international field that has given enthusiasm in the company to the entire team.

The internationalization project has brought greater visibility to the company with an important return on image.

One month after the closure of the project the company can already boast the following results:

- 11 contacts in Germany;

- 25 contacts in England;

- n. 3 orders Germany;

- n. 15 shipments to Germany;

- n. 26 shipments to England;

- 10 Kg of products shipped via Berlin Magazine website;

- plus 40 Kg of products sent by Gls (courier) in Germany to Salumeria Italiana.